Meeting Notes May 2014

May Officer’s Meeting Minutes

Tuesday, May 27th

Simone Groene-Nieto (Denver Public Library), Orlando Archibeque (Auraria Library), Dustin Goforth(Aurora Public Library)

I. Conference Post Mortem

a. 83 registered, and 75 attended (we doubled our number registered from last year)

b. There were 40 responses to the survey

c. Many of you mentioned that you liked the conference, but thought it was too set in

d. In terms of preparation for next year, one of the biggest challenges faced was the lack

i. 92% were satisfied or highly satisfied

ii.97% liked the choice of venue

iii. 95% thought it was well organized

iv. 89% thought the length of time was sufficient

v.Only 8% didn’t like the choice of food or believed we should have more

vegetarian choices

vi. 21% did not care for the sessions, while 59% were satisfied or highly

satisfied with the sessions

the past and not proactive/hands on enough. A lot of you wanted programming that

was more geared to Spanish programming, and some of you wanted to see outside

organizations/government groups give presentations. It was also mentioned that the

panel was a great idea; however, more time was needed for each speaker. Other ideas

believed that we should improve on were 1) topics more related to schools 2) more

networking time 3) more professional development 4) more emphasis on technology

and growing class sizes 5) Book reviews on Latino characters 6) switching away from

Styrofoam plates and 6) more library collaboration.

of presenters. Since only 6 presentations were submitted for the conference, choices of

programming this time was limited. Here are some of the solutions brought up for next


i. Incentivizing presenters so entice more people to submit a program

ii.Inviting local non-profit organizations/government officials to speak at the


iii. Try to choose programs that are more hands on/pragmatic and about

Spanish speakers

iv. Extend the times for panelists if there is a future library panel session

v. Schedule a final session that is more hands-on

vi. Plan the conference further in advance

vii. Possibly taking more pictures of the event

II. Report to the Annual Report

a. Some of the things that will be included in the report will be:

i. Outreach done with outside members of the community

ii.The list of new members, renewing members, and the size of the listserv

iii. Our current financial outlook from the beginning of the year to the end

of the year

iv. Passage of the Updated Bylaws

v.Updating the website

vi. Sponsorship of the Teen Literature Conference

vii. Creation of four scholarships for the Teen Literature Conference

viii. Outline of the REFORMA Annual Mini-Conference 2014, from registrants

and programming to evaluation results and the money earned

ix. Membership testimonials

x. Thank yous

xi. A call to action

III. 2014 Strategies and Goals

a. An impromptu piece of summarized officer duties is being compiled by Secretary/

b. Getting the website finalized and ready to be fully promoted

c. Possibly updating the logo

Historian Dustin Goforth in order to assist future generations of REFORMA Officers

i. Some conversation was about updating the homepage to include more pictures

ii.Give it a little more pizzazz

i. The quote at the bottom will be kept

ii.Keep the mountain and sun look, but with books in it?

iii. Any other suggestions?

IV. 2014 Election for new Officers

a. As written by the by-laws, Simone will take over all duties and responsibilities as past-

b. Camila will become the new REFORMA Colorado Chapter President

c. Orlando has decided to run again for re-election as treasurer

d. Due to Dustin beginning his Master’s Degree, he will be vacating the position of

e. As a result, the upcoming election will be as follows, candidates for the Vice-President


position, candidates for the Secretary/Historian position, and candidates wanting to run

against Orlando as Treasurer. Ruby Nugent will be in charge of setting up the election as

part of her duties as past President.

positions on July 1st


f. Elections will probably be held sometime in June and the new officers will take their


V. Final Member meeting set for June 24th

a. A big thank you for Cecilia Hem Lee for offering the Belmar Library as a meeting location

b. We will be delivering the annual report

c. We will also be asking what each of you would like to see as a focus for next year

from 10-12

d. We heard back from a lot of you via the internet on what you thought about

the programs, but we’re going to ask again and more. What did you think of our

performance this year? The presentations? Bylaw updates? Conference?