Meeting Notes July 2014

REFORMA Colorado Officer’s Meeting

July 29, 2014 at Las Fuentes




In Attendance: Camila Alire, President; Simone Groene-Nieto, Past President; Orlando Archibeque, Treasurer; Nicanor Díaz, Vice President/President Elect; Rita A Puig, Secretary/Historian

  1. RNCV Planning Committee Meeting

Lando gave an update of this meeting which he attended during the ALA conference this past June in Las Vegas. It appears that REFORMA is ahead of the game even after a few obstacles encountered with the conference venue. Exhibits, fundraising and local arrangements are all on their way.

     2. Treasurer’s Report

Total assets at this time: $1811.

  1. Meeting schedule for the whole year

The officers scheduled all meetings for the entire year on the 4th Tuesday of the month as follows:

August 26, 2014, 10-12pm – Membership Meeting

September 23, 2014, 10-12pm – Officer’s Meeting

October 28, 2014, 10-12pm – Membership Meeting

November 25, 2014, 10-12pm – Officer’s Meeting

December 16, 2014, 10-12pm – Membership Meeting (An exception was made on this month, since the 4th Tuesday would be too close to the Christmas holidays.)

January 27, 2015, 10-12pm – Officer’s Meeting

February 24, 2015, 10-12pm – Membership Meeting

March 17, 2015, 10-12pm, Officer’s Meeting (An exception was made on this month to avoid a conflict with the ACRL [Association of College and Research Libraries] conference.)

April 28, 2015, 10-12pm, Membership Meeting

May 26, 2015, 10-12pm, Officer’s Meeting

June 23, 2015, 10-12pm, Membership Meeting

REFORMA Colorado will continue to have the optional lunch gathering after the meeting. A discussion followed concerning the location of the membership meetings. It was decided to designate only the August meeting. Currently the meeting is to be held at the Athmar Branch of the Denver Public Library with Regis University’s Thornton Campus as a contingency venue. Nicanor will confirm the use of the Athmar Branch to the officers. During the August membership meeting, there will be a request for volunteers to host the remainder meetings. This will give the membership an opportunity to host a REFORMA Colorado meeting in their respective libraries.

  1. 2015 Mini-Conference Discussion & Planning 

Location: Denver Public Library, Central Branch

Date: April 2015, exact date to be determined, must check with CLiC to avoid overlap with their April conference. Simone will contact Ross Calander.


Public Relations/Marketing (Camila will chair this committee)

Programming (this committee will be comprised of the officers plus two members from the general membership)

Local Arrangements (Nicanor will chair this committee), charged with:

  • Facilities
  • Food
  • Audio Visual
  • Parking

Registration and Evaluation (Lando will chair this committee) This committee will work closely with CLiC on the logistics of registration.

Current plan of action:

  • Brainstorm session during August membership meeting.
  • Call for proposals early October with November 15th
  • Selection of programs by Programming Committee to be announced in December.

Thank you notes: The officers determined who needed to receive a thank you note for this year’s Mini-Conference and divided them up. These notes will be going to DPL, CSL, CLiC, libraries that sent more than 3 participants, presenters and a few very special individuals that made major contributions to the conference

  1. Community Presenters at Membership Meetings 

REFORMA Colorado will invite CLiC (Colorado Library Consortium), CSL (Colorado State Library) and CLLARO (Colorado Latino Leadership, Advocacy & Research Organization) to present at one of the membership meetings. The officers feel that it will give the members an opportunity to familiarize themselves with these very important organizations that can be a great resource to libraries. Camila will contact CLiC and CSL. Lando will contact CLLARO.

  1. Denver to House Immigrant Children

The officerss discussed the possibility of the city of Denver housing unaccompanied immigrant children currently held at the border between Mexico and the USA. Currently the NE Chapter of REFORMA is coordinating a backpack collection with Spanish language books and other materials to entertain the children that are traveling to shelters in that region of the country. REFORMA National is setting up a task force to explore ways that the organization can help. REFORMA Colorado will step up to help in some way. It will be determined in the coming months with the input of the membership how the chapter will get involved.

  1. Book Talk on EducaRadio (DPS)

Jimena Sagas and Rita A Puig will be doing a book talk on EducaRadio – a Spanish language radio show sponsored by Denver Public Schools to support, engage and educate Spanish-speaking parents. If all goes well, a formal proposal will be submitted to REFORMA Colorado to create a new committee that will take on the task of book talks on EducaRadio on a regular basis. This is a unique and strategic way for REFORMA Colorado to serve the Latino community of Denver by promoting education and personal improvement through books. It could potentially present an opportunity to announce local children’s events occurring in libraries.

  1. Tabled till next officer’s meeting

Plan for 2014/2015 year: projects to take on as per the brainstorm from our last membership meeting