REFORMA Colorado
Membership Meeting
October 28, 2014
Regis University, Thornton Campus
In attendance: Camila Alire, President; Simone Groene-Nieto, Past President; Orlando Archibeque, Treasurer; Nicanor Díaz, Vice President/President Elect; Rita A Puig, Secretary/Historian; Theresa Ortega, Lisa Murillo, Alfredo Pinto, Dustin Goforth, Paul Mascarenas
Virtual attendees: Jimena Sagas, Judith Valdez
- Progress on the Mini-conference (Simone)
Request for proposals were sent out to over 40 organizations. We have one proposal so far. The suggestion was made to extend personalized invitations to folks to submit a proposal. The information and the forms to fill out are on the website. The PR committee has a time line set up to send out Save-the-Dates. Simone will also send out a call for posters for the poster session. A zumba dancer is already lined up for the conference. Senator Ulibarri will join us. There will be a REFORMA meeting during the conference that may also serve as a membership drive. We can explain who we are and get benefits beyond the conference. Simone will send out two more reminders on 11/1 and 11/15 for requests for proposals. Alfredo volunteered to help with any graphic design tasks. There are no other deadlines pending except for the Save-the-Dates and the request for proposals. The presenter sub-committee will be convened on either 12/1 or 12/8. (Simone already convened the meeting for 12/9.) Alfredo mentioned the delicious food at the last conference. Vivi was the food hustler then and will do it again for this conference. We reminded the members that the food vendors that donated received a beautiful certificate and thank you’s.
Jimena mentioned being hungry when she arrived to the conference. Alfredo suggested a lunch from 12-1pm before the conference. Simone will work with Vivi and the local arrangements committee on this. The question was raised as to whether we will pay presenters. We will not. Simone emphasized that it is too early to say we’re having a hard time getting conference program proposals. Simone is not worried, but wants to be proactive at the front end. Camila suggested that Dustin submit a proposal. She feels everybody should be submitting proposals. Simone will personally invite Cecilia and Ghada to submit a proposal.
We reviewed the final themes again: 1) Outreach, 2) Legal Advocacy/Issues Facing Immigrants, 3) Programing and Instruction & 4) Wildcard. Camila suggested that we invite outsiders, too, and we should approach them soon. Dustin talked about a program he did with Our Courts Colorado through the Colorado Bar Association. He will reach out to them about presenting at the mini-conference. Alfredo mentioned financial resources and we discussed creating a panel of experts that can speak and provide resources in different areas: finances, tenant rights, driver’s license in Colorado, etc… Simone and Nicanor mentioned that they have a contact that can support the driver’s license topic. Camila mentioned that as we ask non-members to present, we should facilitate the process, i.e. we can submit the proposal for them. We discussed exactly how much is enough time for a panel discussion and how many panelists should we have. We concluded that two panelists are enough. Alfredo suggested that we have one panel for public libraries and one for academic. Camila called on Theresa, Jimena et al. to create a panel on academic libraries.
Theresa brought up her concern of reconnecting with past members and bringing in new ones. Alfredo suggested a Homecoming which turned into reaching out to them for the holiday party. Lando has about 3 years’ worth of membership info that can be used to reach out to folks. Camila suggested sending out a special invite to past members. Camila thanked Simone for her leadership on the mini-conference.
- Treasurer’s report (Lando)
Total assets = $1,451 of which we have direct access to $231.20 and REFORMA National is holding $1266.71 on our behalf. We’re still working on the 501(c)3 issue. We can spend all of our money, and when we generate funds, they must go to REFORMA National. We’re on their radar, and Lando is following instructions to get the matter resolved. It was noted that this issue is not just with our chapter. Theresa asked about a chapter debit/credit card. Lando said we could, and he’ll look into it. In the past, we’ve handled payment through reimbursement.
- RNC V Contribution (Lando and Camila)
Our chapter received a formal request through John Ayala to contribute to RNCV. Lando mentioned that in 2011 our chapter donated $500, and perhaps we could donate $600 this time. The question was raised as to the value of REFORMA National and the National conference. Rita mentioned how appreciative we were in 2011 when we planned/hosted the conference here in Denver for every $1 that was donated to the conference. Rita also mentioned that $600 might be too much for our chapter. Alfredo suggested that we support both our local chapter and national through scholarships. Camila suggested we donate $500 – $300 directly to the conference and $200 in scholarships to help local members go to the conference. We would revisit our financial situation in early 2015 and possibly donate $200 more for a maximum of $700. Jimena suggested putting it to a vote. The question was raised as to whether we could vote at that moment. Camila said yes we can, because our bylaws do not require quorum. The motion passed unanimously. We’ll develop a process to apply for the funds. Lando will draft something to send to national informing them of our donation. Alfredo suggested ongoing scholarship funds for professional development. Simone mentioned that we’ve granted scholarships to MLIS students in the past. The officers will discuss this topic at their next officer’s meeting.
- Logo (Simone)
Simone showed the group the eight designs for our updated logo. Lando showed the virtual members. We tried to vote on the logo that we liked the best, but a conversation on the tag line ensued and took over the discussion. It was a lively discussion on whether the tag line should be “Bibliotecas for all” or “Libraries para todos”. It was decided to put it to a vote to the membership. Those most vocal for each side were tasked by Camila to draft a blurb and post on the list serve by Friday, 11/14.
- Christmas Party (Alfredo)
We will have a holiday gathering for the December meeting at Rosalinda’s. We will not have an official membership meeting in December. We will resume with a membership meeting in January instead of February. Alfredo will plan the Christmas party. (He already sent out an invitation on the listserve.)
- CLiC Conferences (Simone & Nicanor)
In March and April Simone, Nicanor and Ruby will be representing REFORMA Colorado by presenting at the CLiC conferences at Ft Morgan, Grand Junction and Pueblo. They will likely each take on one presentation. Alfredo volunteered to do the one in April. Camila mentioned having her book on Serving Latinos on display and letting folks know they have access to it through Prospector.
- Reforma Shout Out
Several people got a chance to share what they’ve been up to. Alfredo complimented Cecilia’s event for Hispanic Heritage Month at Jeffco Public. Rita shared her and Jimena’s successful presentation at CSU during their diversity symposium and announced the next presentation at Regis University’s Diversity conference.
- Build an Altar for Día de los Muertos
Theresa built an altar and shared with the group a little bit about the tradition of Día de los Muertos.
REFORMA Colorado Membership Meeting 8-26-14 Minutes