*re-posted with permission from the Colorado State Library
The Colorado Department of Public Health & Environment has released a Respiratory Virus Toolkit (Flu, RSV, and COVID-19) that includes newsletter copy, social media posts, frequently asked questions, and a variety of online resources (linked throughout) that will be useful for libraries and the communities we serve. A Spanish language version is available as well: Paquete de Herramientas Para Virus Respiratorios: Gripe, VRS y COVID-19.
We know our communities are concerned and we want to support them with reliable information and connections to care. Please feel free to download and use the toolkit. The Toolkit is a downloadable PDF shared on Google Docs. Links throughout include graphics and external resources. Below are excerptx of the newsletter sample (English and Spanish).
Respiratory viruses, including Respiratory Syncytial Virus (RSV), flu, and COVID-19 are spreading across Colorado and the nation. Protect your loved ones, the community, and our health care system by:
- Getting vaccinated. Both flu and COVID-19 have effective, safe vaccines. Anyone 6 months and older can get vaccinated for flu and COVID-19. It is safe to get the vaccines together.
- Seeing or calling a health care provider or doctor before going to a busy emergency department when you or your child has respiratory symptoms. Your provider can help you determine the best ways to manage symptoms and when it is important to be seen in the clinic, urgent care, or emergency department.
- Staying home when sick, including not visiting or interacting with people who may be at higher risk, including older adults, young children, and infants. What might feel like a mild cold for one person can be very serious for another person. This is important to preventing the spread of viruses and causing outbreaks, which put additional strain on the hospital system.
- Wash your hands frequently for at least 20 seconds with soap and water or use hand sanitizer with 60% alcohol.
- Covering your nose and mouth with a tissue or upper arm sleeve when you cough or sneeze, throw away the tissue after you use it, and clean hands as instructed above.
- Cleaning potentially contaminated surfaces, like doorknobs, tables, handrails, etc.
- Avoiding sharing cups, eating utensils, and touching your face with unwashed hands.
Los virus respiratorios, incluidos el virus respiratorio sincicial (VRS), la gripe y el COVID-19, se están propagando por todo Colorado y el país. Proteja a sus seres queridos, a la comunidad y al sistema de atención médica:
- Vacúnese. Las vacunas contra la gripe y el COVID-19 son eficaces y seguras. Todas las personas, a partir de los 6 meses, pueden vacunarse contra la gripe y el COVID-19. Es seguro recibir las vacunas juntas.
- Vea o llame a un médico o proveedor de atención médica antes de ir a una sala de emergencias concurrida cuando usted o su hijo tienen síntomas respiratorios. Su proveedor puede ayudarlo a determinar la mejor manera de controlar los síntomas y cuándo es importante que lo vean en la clínica, en el centro de atención de urgencia o en la sala de emergencias.
- Quédese en casa cuando esté enfermo, no visite ni interactúe con personas que puedan correr un mayor riesgo, incluidos los adultos mayores, los niños pequeños y los bebés. Lo que puede sentirse como un resfriado leve para una persona puede ser muy grave para otra. Esto es importante para prevenir la propagación de los virus y así evitar la aparición de brotes, lo que ejerce una tensión adicional sobre el sistema hospitalario.
- Lávese las manos con frecuencia durante al menos 20 segundos con agua y jabón o use desinfectante para manos que contenga 60 % de alcohol.
- Al toser y estornudar, cúbrase la nariz y la boca con un pañuelo descartable o con la parte interna del codo o manga, luego deseche el pañuelo y lávese las manos como se indicó anteriormente.
- Limpie superficies potencialmente contaminadas, como perillas o manijas de las puertas, mesas, pasamanos, etc.
- Evite compartir vasos, tazas, utensilios y tocarse la cara sin haberse lavado las manos.