Meeting Notes February 2014

February Members Meeting Minutes

Tuesday, February 24, 2013

Calire Alire (Dean Emeritus), Orlando Archibeque (Auraria Library), Rita Puig (Regis Dual Language Campus), Jimena Sagaz (CSU Library), Cecilia Hem Lee (JCPL Special Populations Outreach), Debra Dauenheimer (Jefferson County Special Populations), Vivianna Castilla (Denver Public Library), Lisa Murillo (Denver Public Library), Ruby Nugent (University of Colorado Health Sciences Anshultz), Theresa Ortega (CU Boulder), Dustin Goforth (Aurora Public Library), Alfredo Pinto (Colorado Christian University), Ghada Elturk (Boulder Library), Sandy Brambila (Loveland Library), Heidi Becker (Denver Public Library), Ross Callendar (Colorado Library Consortium)

I. Introductions of members and guests

II. Presentation of Dual Language Campus

a. Boasts an accelerated program instead of a traditional

i. 6 different opportunities to enroll

ii.Classes are more flexible and once a week and are 4 hours long

iii. 6 sessions per year instead of 3 (summer, fall, spring)

iv. Night classes are also offered to fit people’s schedules

b. Dual language model

i. Technology is the key; there is a lab with audio headphones to assist students. It

is also available via the internet so students can use it at home

ii.There is a writing lab (feedback is key for the group), there are tutors available

to assist and grade the work

1. An internet tutor offers the online tutoring

2. Wimba voice offers voice integration (used a lot for the online classes) –

which requires that the student listen to their teacher do presentations.

A majority of this is all verbal

iii. Bachelor’s degrees and Master’s degrees are available online (4 masters

degrees available)

1. Diploma or GED and Transcripts as well as 3 years’ experience working

full time is required for the Bachelors Program

2. The Masters requires a little more

February Members Meeting Minutes

Tuesday, February 24, 2013

a. BA or BS, 3 years’ experience work, 2 letters of

recommendation, Admission’s interview conducted in Spanish

and English, and 2 essays

3. Assessment on language is with a test

a. After the assessment they will figure out where they should


b. At least some experience in Spanish and English is required,

because one week the courses are offered in English, the next

week the courses are in Spanish (the homework is also 50%

English and 50% Spanish)

4. The whole point of the program is to break the barriers associated with

other colleges where they have to come up with translated transcripts.

This college looks at colleges from other universities and assessments

are available (the courses do have to meet certain guidelines to be

transferred as far as fields, time of BA, etc…)

iv. The Degrees are accredited

1. All staff are bilingual, all classes are bilingual

2. Just some of the benefits of being bilingual are the positive effects

on intellectual growth, enrichment and enhancement of cognitive

development, and more

3. The goal is to make someone fully developed in both Spanish and

English who can demonstrate professional competencies confidently in

the field (un profesional bilingüe es aquel que demuestra competencias

profesionales con seguridad en su campo de estudio en inglés y


v.There is a bilingual collection that also helps to support academic goals

1. English and Spanish textbooks are in reserve and in reference

2. There are bilingual catalogs resulting in bilingual records

3. Spanish language databases are offered such as e-Libro and Informe

4. 100% bilingual personnel and bilingual workshops as well

c. Unfortunately, the Dual Language Portion of Thornton is no longer accepting

applications, although the model is still in use in other places (Florida, ABI in Texas, and

something in California) and will hopefully continue. Regis will be finishing the students

currently enrolled. They are also working with a board to see what the next steps should

III. Mini-conference Update –

a. Ruby’s first Conference Committee convened

i. Half attended online via Skype and half in person

ii.Time commitment and concerns were talked about

iii. Subcommittees were designated and given tasked that they would be

charged with

1. 6 committees

2. Programming Committee – officers will do it

3. PR Committee – will be headed by Camila

4. Volunteer Committee – Headed by Karen Alfino

5. Evaluations and Registrations – Headed by Sheena

6. Local Arrangements – Viviana will head this

7. AV/IT – no chair as of yet. Some leads for chair are possibly Alfredo

Pinto. Robin also mentioned recruiting someone from the CTC at DPL.

Ruby will follow up.

iv. We are still recruiting more volunteers

v.Themes – There is no theme yet for the Mini-Conference. Maybe one option

could relate to Dia de los Niño’s (April 30th

vi. Sheena is heading the Website Committee

vii. More proposals were talked about, but the dead line has expired and

won’t be extended in order to give time for marketing to get out there

viii. Timelines were mentioned for the subcommittees

is the first day)

ix. If anyone is interested in helping the committee, some is in person and

some is not in person. We are still recruiting more people.

b. Programming

i. There are four so far

ii.An idea to extend the date for proposals was put forth, but the idea was turned

down because extra time for proposals meant that PR and marketing for the

conference would be hindered.

iii. Theresa Ortega recommended putting together a panel of librarians

that would cover areas or aspects of programs in their libraries past and present

1. Camila will moderate the panel session on successful programs

2. Volunteers for the panel so far are Lisa Murillo, Cecilia Hem Lee, Rita

will assist (public), Orlando Archibeque or Mary Dodge, Theresa Ortega,

Jimena Sagaz, and Alfredo Pinto

3. The fields covered will be Academic Libraries, Public Libraries, School

Libraries, and maybe even Military Libraries. If enough people are

interested, we can split it into two

4. Officers will put something together soon

5. Camila will contact the panel group individually

6. Ghada wanted to know if there are any programs on intellectual


7. There was mention that some people wished to create a program, but

believed that the choices were too limited and didn’t fit the model of a

program that they would present it on. Other people asked if the panel

could cover intellectual freedom or student retention.

iv. Theresa asked if there could be a story teller or an entertainment piece

at some point in the conference? Ester Acosta was a recommended by Ghada

for the story teller if we were interested.

IV. Treasurers Report – We have $463.68 in the bank. All memberships will be submitted to the

National website. Before this year, two-thirds of the dues went to the chapter, but now they

are going to be split with national 50-50.

V. Colorado Teen Literature Conference is on April 5th

at the Auraria Campus in downtown

February Members Meeting Minutes

Tuesday, February 24, 2013

a. REFORMA has long been associated with the conference. This year we are an official

sponsor out of only 7-8 other groups. We are also an official exhibitor, meaning 1-2

people will man a booth that can pass out flyers and represent us at the exhibition. Do

we have any volunteers? Cecilia is one, Debra is another

i. Camila proposed the idea of making a poster board of the four scholarship

ii. Lando will send out the logistics for it as well as the information on the winners

b. One question was raised on whether the conference is worth the pay since it does not

recruit many members. One reason officers believed that it was worth the cost was for

the exposure and influence it would provide over the conference. In the past there were

10 Latino teen sponsors.

c. Announcement of 4 registration-scholarship winners thanks to $100 worth of

scholarships offered

i. David (Everitt Middle School, Grade: 8)

winners’ names and submissions and get pictures with each of them

and Rita will put together the posterboard

ii.Hattie (Everitt Middle School, Grade: 8)

I would love to go to the teen lit conference for many reasons but the main

reason is to improve my writing for school and to get a better understanding

about it. Another reason would be reading. I love to read and I have never heard

about these authors but it sounds like they have written really good books and

I would love to meet them after I have read their books. Another reason would

be meeting the authors I have never met. It would be great if I got to meet the

authors in person and for them to autograph my books. My final reason would

be just to have a fun time with everyone and meet new people. Those are all my

reasons for wanting to go to the teen lit conference.

I want to attend Colorado’s Teen Literature Conference because it seems like

a great way to learn about the authors and their books. Also, it would be an

interactive way to learn about other genres of literature. I have been wanting to

go as well, so this seems like a great time to take this opportunity to attend the

Teen Lit Conference.

I am an aspiring writer, so I feel that to go to the Colorado Teen Literature

Conference will help me advance my skills even more.

iii. Josh (Everitt Middle School, Grade: 8)

iv. Ezekiel (Arvada k-8, Grade 8) (Teacher nominated)

a. The April member meeting will be postponed since it is so close to the mini-conference.

b. June’s meeting is yet to be scheduled.

i. Cecilia has offered the Belmar Library to host depending on the date. Officers

c. A colleague of Camila has made a video and a book about the San Luis Valley.

i. She is going to see if they could do a program on it for us at a future meeting

will set a date in March at the Officer’s meeting


ii.There was also mention that they may do the mini-conference as a keynote

d. Viviana would like everyone to mention to their colleagues that the Translation

Committee is available to translate material for libraries in need.

i. Please spread the word.

ii.It was also mentioned that we could use it as a benefit of membership

iii. We could also see about making a table for offering translations that

iv. Last year there was a table for membership, but there could also just be


could help or a textbook for library phrases that help library staff

a table

1. Cecilila mentioned that Mango offers translation type things for

librarians, but it has since expired